Wednesday, December 25, 2013

How to take BEAUTIFUL pictures of your Christmas Tree

Merry Christmas everyone!!

In honor of this wonderful time of year, I give you a tutorial on how to take bright, beautiful pictures of your Christmas tree.

1. Set up your camera on a tripod. If you do not have a tripod, set it on a solid surface where it will remain steady.
2. Set your camera on Shutter speed priority. There should be a setting on almost any camera, whether it is a DSLR or not.
3. Set the shutter speed all the way down to 5" which will hold the shutter open for 5 seconds. 
4. Set the camera where you want it, and then click the shutter button. You will hear one click, and then 5 seconds later, a delayed click. Try not to let the camera move during this time.
5. A bright and beautiful pictures should come out. What you are doing is telling the camera to take in 5 seconds worth of light, instead of just a split second.

And there you go!! A beautiful picture of your tree. Try it a couple time adjusting other settings. Comment below if you have any other questions!

Merry Christmas everyone!! :) 

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